Wednesday, April 1, 2009

my own DAMN KARMA...

this is my later blog that i have psted on myspace. just to fill things up in here. enjoy :

And again Rimie... congratulations... u r now once again a product of failure.

turns out that it is embedded to me since i was born i guess. life is suppose to be toughtfull and great but it turn out to be filthy and shitty failure. i never work things out. it wouldnt work out well on everything.

remember that i use to say about the "why do i bother" syndrome? well, it wont work as far as im concerned.

shit always happens.

how about try to win somebodys heart and ur out of fuel and also cash?? and ur car need fixing and accidentally run somebodys car.
thats is not like "shit happens". thats is damn filthy goat vomit all over me. he he.

again.. fail

what about, trying to impress someone u r something and yet u r nothing. wow, now thats a good start. think again smart ass. ull never be one.

ermm, again... hey, lets call some that i knew. maybe we can hang out??
teeeeeeetttttttt.... the number has been changed. thats not awfull. thats my KARMA. i was born a fuckin failure.

dont try to tell that i wrote this because of love or some crappy things like it. its just a metaphore statement u idiots.

god, do i deserve this?? do i really need this?? i dont need strength right now god. i need protection. protection from my own desire. i know ive been asking a lot lately and yes.. im being honest that i always left u behind. but please god. i need u now.

but hey god, i guess i really deserve this right?

ill just be one sicko guy who turn out to be something dull monumen and everybody would just come and lean on me and go just like the wind. hell yeah its true.

do i need top be something??

do i need to keep doing being myself??

and guess what. she's always right!! LOVE U MOM!!!


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